Using Appodeal with React Native

Appodeal is the best ad network to use with your React Native projects because it provides you access to their demand as well as other network demand via their network adapters. This way you do not need to worry about integrating individual RN packages as provided by other ad networks or fiddling with unofficial packages that aren't kept up-to-date by their maintainers.
Below is a guide you'll need to follow that I've broken into a few "stages" since some of the work happens in the Appodeal dashboard and some in the app code itself.
  1. Sign up for a publisher account with Appodeal (
  1. Create apps in the Appodeal dashboard (one for each platform you publish on - App Store and/or Play Store)
  1. Follow this guide to integrate the Appodeal React Native package and be sure not to miss any steps! The important one for iOS is to ensure you include the network adapters as instructed here.
  1. Don't forget to integrate ATT and SKAdNetwork components as instructed above as well.
At this point, you'll likely see ads appear but it's important to include a few third party networks to the mix to make sure your ad fill is adequate. The recommended network is AdMob so here's how you'll have to configure AdMob with Appodeal assuming you've already created an AdMob publisher account with Google.
  1. Log into the Appodeal dashboard and go to your Account Settings from the upper right menu. Then click on Network Accounts. Expand the Admob section and then click on Link your account. Link your AdMob account as it instructs.
  1. You're not done. Now you'll need to to your App from the side menu (click on Apps) and then under the Actions column, click on the Gear icon. Finally, click on Mediation Settings.
  1. Depending on the ad formats you're running you will need to perform the next steps for each ad format tab as they are on the screen.
  1. Expand the Admob line and choose the Admob account you linked from the dropdown box. Do this for all ad format tabs. This makes Admob available as a mediated network within Appodeal for this specific app.
Now you've got an Admob account linked and specifically configured to be used for each app as instructed above. But Admob has ad unit/placements that it expects to fill which would be cumbersome to do manually. Fortunately, Appodeal provides a standalone software tool to do this for you which you'll have to download and run on your machine called AdMob Sync.
  1. Install AdMob Sync as instructed here.
  1. Run AdMob Sync to have Appodeal automatically create the appropriate placements in AdMob for you and sync with their settings.
  1. It might take a minute or two but go back to your Appodeal Mediation Settings for the app you created in the Appodeal dashboard and refresh the screen and re-expand the Admob section. You should see line items magically appear that weren't there before. This was the work of AdMob Sync.
So now you've got (a) an AdMob account linked (b) an AdMob app in it's dashboard linked to to an app in the Appodeal dashboard and (c) placements all lined up between the two as well.
To link other networks, follow the guides as provided by the Appodeal Demand Control Center documentation.
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